Women Vital Role in Combating Climate Crisis

Women and girls worldwide are emerging as pivotal figures in the battle against the growing impacts of global climate change. Women bring valuable knowledge and expertise, especially within indigenous, rural, and young communities. Let’s explore how women can make substantial contributions to addressing climate change.

Nations worldwide have been formulating strategies to address climate change. However, these plans require the full involvement of the population, emphasising that the effective implementation of any strategy will only be possible with the active participation of women. Hence, women should be directly involved in environmental policy discussions and global awareness programmes, as their voices and practical solutions are crucial.

As women often prepare food for their households, their engagement in agriculture allows for cultivating a varied crop selection. This practice brings multiple environmental benefits, including the conservation of biodiversity, sustenance of soil fertility, nutritional diversity, and more.
Women frequently take on central roles in community networks, providing increased opportunities for interactions, particularly with other women.

Hence, they can be influential in accelerating awareness about climate change and mitigating its adverse effects among local communities.
Many countries are including gender considerations in diverse sectors of their national climate action plans and National Adaptation Plans, in line with the UN Climate Change process. Now, they have to actively work towards achieving gender parity in climate policy and decision-making at local, national, and international levels.

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