Upskilling Makes Career Return Easier for Women: Study

A recent study has brought to light that women who opted for career breaks experienced greater ease in restarting their professional journey after acquiring extra skills. According to the ‘Future of the Skills Landscape 2024’ report by Hero Vired, 75% of women who underwent upskilling discovered a smoother reentry into the workforce following a career break.

In the survey with 200,000 participants, including students, working professionals, and academicians in both metro and non-metro cities, 43.5% of respondents recognised the necessity of upskilling every six months. 81% of participants who enhanced their skills last year chose online courses as their preferred learning method.

According to the report, 78% of working professionals see ‘upskilling’ as a forward-minded strategy to adapt to the rapidly changing work landscape in the country. Most employed individuals shared the view that acquiring new skills, especially in Artificial Intelligence (AI), would improve their job prospects. 43% of survey participants expressed discontent with the insufficient AI training offered by their employers.

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