Tejaswini turns one year old

The women-centric scheme, Tejaswini, marked its first anniversary on Sunday. The Delhi police released vital statistics related to the project introduced on June 10 2021. According to the Delhi police, the scheme spawned a decline in crimes, especially against women. The scheme has also prompted the 37% depletion in street crimes in sensitive areas of the Northwest district of Delhi.

As a part of the project, 52 women beat officers were deployed in sensitive areas with high crime rates. These women officers have turned out to be instrumental in capturing around 100 criminals, including 67 molesters/ eve-teasers, five bootleggers, four auto-lifters, three snatchers, and two robbers. They also aided in recovering 12 stolen vehicles and 219 illicit liquor. 

They have already led 183 complaints to a successful conclusion, and, at present, they are probing 15 cases. The northwest district will observe Tejaswini week from July 11 to July 18 to celebrate the anniversary of the scheme.

Tejaswini was launched with the purpose of reducing crimes, especially against women and children. The women officers are also tasked with the responsibility of installing confidence in women residing or commuting in crime-infested areas.

Women and children have a hard time residing in sensitive areas as they are often subjected to eve-teasing or molestation. They also encounter violence from the snatchers and are often duped by the bootleggers.

With the deployment of women officers, they are more likely to feel secure while commuting in sensitive areas. They can also teach women and children how to safeguard themselves against such criminals. 

It is a sad reality that many complaints related to eve-teasing, bootlegging, and snatching remains unresolved due to an insufficient number of police officers. Tejaswini gains relevance in this regard as they are deployed exclusively to deal with such crimes. They also help to create awareness regarding the free legal assistance given to women and children in distress. This way, they get the confidence to fight against such crimes without fearing the consequences. 

More states need schemes like Tejaswini to prevent crimes. The introduction of Tejaswini might help states to fight against crime effectively. We hope that the services of Tejaswi will be made available in every state so that women and children all around the country can feel safe and protected.

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