Office at home: Empowering women with work from home job opportunities

There has been a sudden influx of work-from-home opportunities for women quite recently. Companies are now promoting online jobs, especially after COVID impacted the world. Employed women have to take care of office responsibilities and household duties simultaneously. For them, working remotely from their own house is an ideal choice. However, this option has its benefits and disadvantages.


Flexible schedule

Working from home allows you to schedule your time depending on your most productive hours. Remote jobs are less time-consuming because you do not have to commute to your office. You can re-invest this increased time to carry out your professional or familial commitments. 

Low expenses

The daily commute to the office means spending a hefty amount on travel expenses. Besides, wearing outfits that befit your job is somewhat requisite. Making a style statement among your colleagues can be extremely expensive. If you do not have time to cook food before rushing to your office, then it’s obvious that you have to rely on fast food or pre-packaged meals. These are all money-consuming, disrupting your monthly budget. When you work from your house, you do not have to bother about your attire. Also, you will likely have sufficient time to cook something for yourself or your family. 

Increased productivity

Another notable advantage of telecommuting is increased productivity. You are allowed to operate at your own pace. It results in the acceleration of productivity. If you become nervous while interacting with a large audience, you can settle your nerves. The relaxing atmosphere enables you to perform more efficiently.


Telecommuting jobs have their downsides as well.


It is easy to get distracted while operating from home, especially if you do not establish boundaries between your professional and family time. If your family continuously barges in while you are busy with your professional obligations, you will fail to maintain the momentum. 

Limited social interactions

Remote jobs imply that you have fewer opportunities to collaborate with your colleagues. In other words, your social interactions will be highly limited. Bonding with your co-workers over lunch is an effective way to develop camaraderie among the team members. You miss out on this experience when you stay home, communicating only with your laptop.

Technical challenges

A telecommuting career relies on having stable wifi or internet connections. If you have a wobbly internet connection, it will be challenging to finish your projects or assignments on schedule. 

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